FAQ - Android

How does Google Smart Lock work, and how is it used?

Smart Lock for Passwords is a Google service that allows for login credentials to be synced to your Google account. This uses the same mechanism by which Google Chrome saves your credentials for your convenience.
Since users found it annoying to manually log into Sakai every time their cookies expired, we used Smart Lock to securely save your credentials to your Google account. When the application is opened, we request the saved credentials and simply autofill the login form for your convenience. This means that even if your Sakai session expires or you install Sakai Mobile on a new device, the application can automatically log you into your Sakai account.
Note that the usage of Smart Lock means your credentials are not stored on-device and instead use Google's secure encryption and cloud storage services. The handling of credentials by Google services makes Smart Lock far more secure than storing your credentials somewhere in your device and risking it being compromised (especially since your NetID is tied to much more than just Sakai).

I accidentally clicked "Never" when prompted to save my password, how can I revert this?

If you would like to re-enable Smart Lock in Sakai Mobile to benefit from auto-login, follow these steps:

  1. In your Android device's Settings application, go to: Google > scroll down to go to Smart Lock for Passwords
  2. Make sure "Sakai Mobile" is not in the Never Save list. If you do see "Sakai Mobile" in that list, tap on it and select Ok to remove it from that list.
  3. If you are logged into multiple Google accounts on your Android device, you might need to repeat Step 2 for all of those accounts. You can see Smart Lock for Passwords settings for other Google accounts by clicking on the top bar and switching between accounts.
  4. Close and re-open the Sakai Mobile application. If you are still logged in, this is because your Sakai cookies still represent an active session. In this case, press Logout at the bottom of the app's Settings tab (the right-most tab).
  5. Log in as usual inside the CAS Authentication WebView, and select Save Password when prompted to do so by Smart Lock.
  6. You are set for auto-login / credential persistence!
How do I remove my Sakai credentials from Smart Lock?

If you no longer want Sakai Mobile to use Smart Lock for keeping you logged in, follow these steps:

  1. Visit Google's Password Manager service.
  2. In the top-right, select the Google account which you saved your Sakai Mobile credentials with. If you're not sure which account you saved your credentials with, use the Search passwords input and enter a search criteria like "Sakai" to see if the Sakai Mobile application shows up in the list.
  3. Select the Sakai Mobile application. Google will prompt you to enter your Google account's password for security purposes.
  4. At the bottom right of the saved credential, select Delete.
  5. Close and re-open the Sakai Mobile application on your Android device. If you are still logged in, this is because your Sakai cookies still represent an active session. In this case, press Logout at the bottom of the app's Settings tab (the right-most tab).
  6. When you visit the login screen, Smart Lock will not prompt you to select an account because it was deleted. After logging in, you can select Never when prompted to save credentials if you never want Sakai Mobile to save your credentials again.